01738 639748    After Hours
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Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Crisis Contact Resources

Samaritans: 24 hours Call: 116 123; or email: jo@samaritans.org (please allow up to 24 hours for a reply). https://www.samaritans.org

Breathing Space: Monday toThursday 6pm-2am; Friday 6pm to Monday 6am. Call: 0800 838587 https://breathingspace.scot

The Neuk: 9.30-4pm Call: 01738 718070 http://anchorhouseperth.org/

The Lighthouse for Perth: Tuesday to Wednesday 10am-4pm; Friday to Saturday 8pm – 2am Call: 0800 1214820; or email: help@lighthouseforperth.org; https://lighthouseforperth.org/

Shout Text Service: 24 Hours Text: 85258 https://giveusashout.org/get-help/

Mental Health Services

CAMHS provide Child and Adolescent Mental Health Servies, to find out more Click Here

Healthy Minds Book Prescription recommended self-help books available to borrow from your local community library Click Here 

NHS inform has a range of resources to help identify, treat and manage mental health problems and disorders, to find out more Click Here

Mental Health and Wellbring Nurse

Your Mental Health & Wellbeing needs attention, just like your Physical Health & Wellbeing. Whether it's relationship or money worries, caring for someone or do you just need someone to talk to? You can ask to speak with a Mental Health and Wellbeing Nurse who can support you with Health & Wellbeing concerns that may be affecting your mental health. After chatting with you they may be able to offer suggestions on ways to improve your wellbeing, which can be affected by lots of different things.

Contact reception on 01738 639748 to arrange an appointment.

Social Prescriber

We have a Social Prescriber linked to the Practice who can support and signpost patients to community based activities such as physical activity, learning new skills, volunteering, art therapy, befriending and self-help, to find out more Click Here

Contact reception on 01738 639748 for more information or self refer to

Drug and Alcohol Support

Perth and Kinross Drug and Alcohol Team works to support people who are using drugs and / or alcohol to make positive changes to their lives and to reduce harm caused by drug and / or alcohol use, to find out more Click Here

NHS inform have a range of information on drinking sensibly, to find out more Click Here